It was high drama on Museum Road in Bangalore on Wednesday. Jaffer Jaweed, a 20-year-old engineering dropout, had the police and the fire force on their toes when he threatened to jump off Hotel Museum Inn. And jump, he did, courtesy Stupid Cupid. Upset that he couldn't marry his lover, Jaweed jumped from the rooftop, before he could be talked out of his dare-devilry. He escaped with injuries.
A series of four photos accompanied the story - three of him in various stages of falling and one of his face as he stood on the rooftop.
On page three there was a larger story.
There have been many stories that have caught my attention while here, for various reasons - the bizare content, the extremely long and confusing introductions, the introductions that don't make one bit of sense - but this story in particular caught my eye enough for me to take note of it. For many reasons - it covers a topic New Zealand media does not touch on, suicide, and not only did it touch on it, but it included photos of this man as he tried to commit suicide. But the real gem in this story, I think, is the line "And jump, he did, courtesy Stupid Cupid." The writer clearly had fun with the story, I'm just not sure that the content really warranted a 'fun' story.
Yes it does seem a little heartless - also describing him as a 'dropout'!
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