Thursday, 13 October 2011

Street vendors and auto drivers

I am constantly on high alert in India. This might be me being extra cautious, but I also feel it is necessary. I stick out like a sore thumb in this place. Every shop I walk past and slightly gaze at I get "yes ma'am, just come inside ma'am, much more inside". Every auto I walk past "yes ma'am, auto ma'am". I am yet to figure out whether this is because I clearly look like a tourist and they know they are more likely to get more money out of me, or whether they do it to everyone. Either way, it was fun at the beginning, now it is just plain old annoying. I have also succumbed to the tourist stereotype. Locals hate tourists because they give auto drivers and street vendors more money. But as I have quickly worked out, if I want to keep my sanity and be taken directly to the place I want to go, I can give them an extra $NZ1 or so and they will take me directly there. No detours to silk shops.

Also, I am a terrible barterer. I never thought I would be good, but I am seriously bad. The problem is, when I convert how much they are asking for, it works out to be nothing in New Zealand dollars. I know that's not the point though, and that's why the locals hate the way tourists do things here.

I am yet to brave a street-side food vendor. I have been to a couple of small restaurant type places, which have had amazing food, but I have gone to these places on recommendation from others. The fear of vomiting for a week, at this stage, far outweighs my curiosity to try the street-side food. Plus, Nina is feeding me so well, I hardly feel like eating when I am out anyway.

There are three main types of food sold on the street (aside from the many takeaway/restaurant places), usually from a man with a cart. Sweetcorn, guava, and peanuts. They all seem to be very popular, and all look quite delicious, but are at the top of my "to avoid" list. Interestingly, these men are the least likely to harass me as I walk past. Maybe they have figured out tourists won't eat it.

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